August 28, 2020


The 35-Point Checklist You Need For Reopening Your Dealership

As dealers prepare for the day that they can reopen their showroom doors post COVID-19 shutdowns, many may feel uncertain about where to begin. As a follow-up to our 36-Point Checklist If Your Dealership is Mandated to Close, we have compiled a comprehensive checklist to run through if you receive approval to open your showroom back up for business. We encourage you to create your own action plan using these suggestions now, so that you will be ready to take quick action when the time comes.


Back To Business: Recovering From COVID-19

Although the U.S. economic climate is now far different (and far worse) than anyone expected at the beginning of the year, the ability to pivot and adjust to the current situation has never been more critical. Restrictions to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are loosening up in the U.S., but the crisis is still fluid. If states see an increase in diagnosed cases, then the country could go back to shutdowns across the continental U.S. In the fall, experts are warning people to expect a second wave of disease. Although scientists are working hard to create a vaccine, no one knows when (or if) they will succeed.


Getting to Know Vice Chair Glenn Ritchey, Jr.

These are undoubtedly unprecedented times.
What are you doing, as a small business, to weather the storm?
We are looking at opportunities within our processes to strengthen our financial position in the current market. With the shortage of new vehicles being delivered to dealerships right now, we are looking at the used car market and making sure we have the right preowned inventory on hand to supplement due to the shortage of new inventory.


Getting To Know Chair Shannon Kominowski

These are undoubtedly unprecedented times. What are you doing, as a small business, to weather the storm?
This is going to sound strange, but we are just trying to keep things as normal as possible at a time when nothing is normal. We are working to keep everybody safe and sane. The media creates fear and panic in people, so when we run into that, we talk people off the ledge, encourage them and get them back in the game. If someone gets sick, we get them tested. Other than that, we are not really doing anything special.